Take a journey above the clouds to a lush and tranquil  hillside farm.  it is located in West Sikkim in between  the groves of bamboo to a beautiful rustic heritage hotel, it was built in 1833 and remodeled in 1966. he accommodation is simple and rustic with five wood paneled rooms in the Tibetan style and private bathrooms with hot and cold running water. 

  •    Nature walk : This is a fabulous place for gentle walks and an insight into local Buddhist culture and life in the foothills of the Himalaya.
  •   Misty citadel  : Visit Sikkim’s former capital of Rabdentse, dating from the 17th century. Walk through lush forests to this hilltop citadel and see ruins of the palace in its well-tended gardens.
  •  Buddhist serenity :  local Buddhist monasteries, some of them hundreds of years old. Watch young monks at their lessons or going about their chores. Spin prayer wheels, listen to chanting or just sit and enjoy the tranquility of these hilltop settings . 
  • Bird watching : Sikkim has a various  of bird species and  has a number of sighting for tourist .
  • learning of Sikkim cuisine : the farmhouse serve various Sikkimese cuisines which are prepared from  fully organic vegetables cultivated in the farm premises . visitor are invited to learn to prepare  the Sikkimese cuisines at kitchen of the farmhouse.
  • Strolling, hiking ,trekking:  There is a three hour hike to visit the local village and monasteries or a five days trek, see amazing views of Kangchenjunga, the world’s third-highest peak.
  •  white water rafting : The white waters of the Tista and the Rangit offer some good stretches of thrilling rapids. Swirling rides can be organised from Melli. The rapids, rated according to the Colorado River standards, are grade 2 and 3.
  • Monastery tour : From Rinchenpong the tour starts with a visit to Pemayangtse, the Perfect Sublime Lotus, Sangacholing is an  older monastery than Pemayangtse. Next you visit the sacred lake of Khechopalri and the monastery closeby.